The Patrizia Romana Palace is one the most exclusive accommodations in Rome. If you are looking for a house or an apartement to rent in Rome, or for a bed and breakfast in Monteverde, then we are the best choice since we offer our clients more, much more.
In a very relaxed atmosphere in between Monteverde and Trastevere we offer them well furnished de luxe apartments and suites equipped with kitchenette and all comforts to be found in 4star hotels. We also have underground parking and wi fi is free.
Thanks to the Residence location far away from the bustle of the city but very well connected with its centre, we certainly are the best solution for a memorable stay, vacation or trip in Rome.
The apartments are also very well connected with the airport of Fiumicino and the Fiera di Roma, the exhibition fair area of Rome. Located in the Monteverde Portuense area, the Residence is next to some of the most famous hospitals and nursing homes of Rome such as San camillo, Spallanzani, Forlanini, European Hospital, Israelitic Hospital, Case di cura San Raffaele Portuense, Villa Sandra Casa di riposo ebraica the jewish nursing home, and Casa di Cura Città di Roma.
Patrizia Romana Residence is also excellent for those wishing to have great fun in the city. Infact it is located next to trastevere, which has always been and remains the heart of the Roman Movida. Trastevere is the place of the feast of Noantri, la festa dei Noantri, which is celebrated each year, and Trastevere is also Porta Portese market location on Sundays.